About Groklaw
Groklaw Mission Statement and what Groklaw offers you
Awards and recognition
Interviews with pj:
First Interview of PJ on Groklaw's beginnings, by Michael Jordan, Linux Online, July 31, 2003.
Pamela Jones: A Committee of One, interview in 2007
Last Interview of PJ on OpenSource.com on the day editorial control passed to Mark Webbink, May 16, 2011.
Groklaw – "The blog that made a difference"
A Q&A with Pamela Jones,
by Richard Hillesley, Heise, May 16, 2011.
Groklaw 2.0: PJ Leaves Groklaw but legal news site to continue under new editor, Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols, ZDNet, May 16, 2011
Groklaw's Comment Policy
Chronological archive of all Groklaw articles, from May 16, 2003 to the present
Map of Groklaw's Features
Groklaw's Letter to SCO, 2003 and Research Attached [as it appeared Groklaw sends a Dear Darl letter in The Inquirer, September 30, 2003.] This document is also IBM Exhibit 608 in SCO v. IBM, referenced in referenced in IBM's Redacted Memorandum in Opposition to SCO's Motion for Partial Summary Judgment on IBM's Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth Counterclaims [PDF] on page page 13, paragraph 28:
28. At the same time, SCO failed to disclose the particulars of the alleged infringement, leading to fear, uncertainty, and doubt in the marketplace. (Ex. 283 paragraph 108.) Indeed, SCO rebuffed requests by the open source community for evidence of the alleged infringement, which would have permitted a potential work-around (Ex. 480; Ex. 608 at 4), and simultaneously capitalized on the marketplace fear, uncertainty, and doubt by selling licenses for the use of Linux (see, e.g., Ex. 224).
If you want to use Groklaw web buttons, here they are, with instructions:
Once you have copied one button image on your server, here is the HTML to display it on your web page. You will have to adjust img src="" to suit the exact file name:
<a style="border: none; background: none;" href="http://www.groklaw.net"><img src="./images/Groklaw03anim.gif" width="80" height="15" border="0" alt="Groklaw supporter" title="Groklaw - Digging for truth"></a>
Last Updated Sunday, September 04 2011 @ 11:29 PM EDT