License Details
All articles by Mark Webbink, from May 16, 2011 onward, and all article by pj, are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Unported License.
What does that mean? It means what the words say.
Loosely, and without intending to alter the wording in any way, it basically means you can copy and share the articles themselves (not the comments though) and distribute for noncommercial use as long as you let people know where you got it, such as by linking back to this website by name, and make clear the license that it is licensed under, such as by listing the name of the license and/or linking to it, and not giving a false impression that I endorse your site or use or am connected in some way with you. If you aren't sure if your intended use is commercial or noncommercial, contact us and we'll talk. Also, we can alter the terms just for you, if we want to. Note that we have the articles posted without comments to make it easier for you, as well as with comments for general reading and enjoyment.
Note that the license includes the following: "Nothing in this license impairs or restricts the author's moral rights." That means, among other things, as an example that if you are mirroring or copying and sharing our works and also surrounding it in materials we would find deeply offensive, it's not OK with us, and we don't grant you permission to do that. Again, if you are not sure, email us and we can discuss what you'd like to do.
Enjoy. Last Updated Thursday, August 18 2011 @ 09:22 PM EDT