Awards and Recognition
Groklaw's Awards
2012 |
ABA Journal 6th Annual ABA Journal Blawg 100
Launched way back in the blogging pioneer days of 2003 by paralegal Pamela Jones, Groklaw has consistently covered the interaction of law and developing technologies, making the site a resource for those looking for sound information on litigation, news and analysis about free and open-source software. The blog is now partly overseen by New York Law School’s Mark Webbink, though Jones remains at the helm. |
2010 |
The Electronic Frontier Foundation 2010 EFF Pioneer Awards
The Electronic Frontier Foundation announced four winners of its 2010 Pioneer Awards: transparency activist Stephen Aftergood; public domain scholar James Boyle; legal blogger Pamela Jones and the website Groklaw; and e-voting researcher Hari Krishna Prasad Vemuru, who was recently released on bail after being imprisoned for his security work in India.
"These winners have all worked tirelessly to give critical insight and context to the tough questions that arise in our evolving digital world," said EFF Executive Director Shari Steele. "We need strong advocates, educators, and researchers like these to protect our digital rights, and we're proud to honor these four Pioneer Award winners for their important contributions."
[Article; Acceptance speech video] |
2010 |
The United States Library of Congress selected Groklaw for inclusion in its historic collections of Internet materials. "The Library's traditional functions, acquiring, cataloging, preserving and serving collection materials of historical importance to the Congress and to the American people to foster education and scholarship, extend to digital materials, including Web sites." |
[Article] |
2009 |
Datamation's 2009 List of the Top 200 Tech Blogs
Linux / Free and Open Source category. "The famed Groklaw is still going strong, far past the SCO case that first brought the blog to prominence." |
2008 |
Prix Ars Electronica Honorable Mention, in the category of
Digital Communities.
The "Digital Communities" category will honor important achievements by digital communities as well as innovative artistic approaches towards web-based communities. This category focuses attention on the wide-ranging social and artistic impact of the Internet as well as on the latest developments in the fields of social software, ubiquitous computing, mobile communications and wireless networks.
[Article] |
2008 |
The Free Software Foundation (FSF) - Award for Projects of Social Benefit:
"The Award for Projects of Social Benefit is presented annually to a free software project that intentionally and significantly benefits society. Since its start in 2003, Groklaw has evolved into an invaluable source of legal and technical information for software developers, lawyers, law professors, and historians."
[Article] |
2007 |
Knowledge Trust and the Louis Round Wilson Academy's
Knowledge Masters Award for Innovation:
The Innovation Award recognizes those who further the creative and innovative use of, and balanced access to, the world's recorded knowledge....
"Your commitment and service to the highest principles of stewardship of the world's recorded knowledge are important to every citizen of the world. The innovative work of Groklaw is of indispensable value to those wishing to understand the twist and turns of copyright and intellectual property as related to open source software now and throughout time.
"Your work and vision have provided leadership and guidance to others who share your ideals and wish to play a part in 21st century initiatives to secure the record of human achievement for future generations." |
[Article] |
2007 |
Google-O'Reilly Open Source Awards - Best FUD Fighter:
"When the SCO drama was being played out, one website became the place to get your knowledge. Pamela, or PJ, as she is known, leads research and reporting of legal events important to the FOSS community. Through her tremendous work, Groklaw continues to be the place to get our regular dose of legal insight and analysis."
[Article] |
2005 |
ConsortiumInfo.org - News Sources of the Year Awards - Pamela Jones/Groklaw:
Best Community Site or Blog (Non-Profit):
"Blogs and community sites that focus on particular domains or issues have become an increasingly important route by which news can reach the public that would otherwise be neglected by, or unknown to, the formal media. In addition, many provide skilled analysis, as well as an opportunity for additional facts and opinion to be aggregated and consolidated.
"It will (again) be no surprise to many that I would like to honor, as the recipient of the first award in this category: Pamela Jones - Groklaw.net
"Almost immediately following her first posting on May 16, 2003, Pamela has had an enormous and loyal following. Her ongoing dedication to investigative journalism in defense of Free and Open Source Software is well-known to friend and foe (most notably, SCO) alike. More recently she has supported a variety of open standards-related causes as well, including by championing the efforts of Peter Quinn and the Information Technology Division of Massachusetts to mandate use of the OpenDocument format by the Executive Agencies of the Commonwealth for archival purposes. Pamela's indefatigable work at Groklaw – and her less visible but equally tireless and substantial efforts behind the scenes to marshal data, develop sources and influence outcomes – have earned her the well-deserved respect and trust of the entire open source community." |
[Article] |
2005 |
Dana Blankenhorn - Corante PJ -
Best Blogger of the Year:
"The most important blogger of our time is probably Pamela Jones of Groklaw. Groklaw is more a community than a blog.... Despite the extensive help her audience gives her, Jones still gives her beat rigid attention, tons of supporting materials, and she gives her enemies plenty of rope for hanging themselves so that, when she does speak her mind, she has both authority and supporters."
[Article] |
2004 |
The Inquirer -
Groklaw: Best Website of 2004 |
[Article] |
2004 |
TechWeb Network Readers Choice Award - Best Independent Tech Blog:
"Pamela Jones' Groklaw was the resounding winner of the First TechWeb Network Best Independent Tech Blog Readers Choice Awards. Groklaw looks at open-source technology through a legal lens, providing insight, commentary, and coverage of ongoing, high-profile legal battles." |
[Article] |
2004 |
Linux Journal Editors' Choice Award - Best Nontechnical or Community Website:
"If you sold your TV when L.A. Law went off the air, this is the site for you. Get sucked in to the courtroom drama surrounding failing UNIX vendor The SCO Group, formerly Caldera, and the company's long-shot lawsuits against AutoZone, Daimler-Chrysler, IBM and Novell. Will SCO dodge a lawsuit from Red Hat? Did Novell transfer UNIX copyrights to SCO? Will Grace get back together with Victor? Greg says Groklaw is 'now the home page for more IBM executives than any other site.'" |
[Article] |
2003 |
OSDir.com Editor's Choice Winner - Best News Site:
"Is there anyone who hasn't tuned into GrokLaw for coverage of the SCO comedy this year? Didn't think so." |
[Article] |
Last Updated Wednesday, September 25 2013 @ 02:22 PM EDT