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Changing Java | 451 comments | Create New Account
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Changing Java
Authored by: Anonymous on Friday, May 04 2012 @ 02:26 AM EDT

First of all, who is arguing with you that copyright protection for apis is a good idea? The discussion is whether the documentation of the api can be protected against the way Google allegedly used them. There are quite a few things the law allows that I think are bad ideas and there are some good ideas that the law hasn't caught up with yet. But, Oracle, Google, Judge Alsup and the jury have to work with what the law is and not what it should be.

Next, if you don't like the way Oracle's package is implemented, you are always free to implement your own packages. Indeed, that's what writing an application is: extending the existing java library in ways that implement your algorithms and solve your problem. I, personally, have my own code for date parsing and arithmetic. I needed it for a time clock application, in support of a WorkWeek class I wrote, where the week began on Saturday. My biggest issue with java.util.Calendar? java.util.Calendar.JANUARY was 0 and I preferred January to be the first month, not zeroth. Pretty petty, I know.

That said, you will find that you cannot rewrite java.* or sun.* packages. This is controlled by the license you agreed to when you downloaded the java sdk from Oracle.

If your criticism of that java.math.trajectory package (wouldn't it be more properly found in a physics package?) was an honest-to-gosh identification of a bug, I suspect they'd be very pleased if you filed the bug report and would fix their class at the next update. If you want to change the language, that requires you filing a JSR with the JCP. One group of engineers, feeling that java's support for XML was inadequate (it was non-existent) started a project called JDOM and provided their source and binaries in the package org.jdom.*. Members of the JCP liked their work, and submitted it as a JSR which was approved. Before it became a part of the language and even after, I use the org.jdom package, downloaded from website, for my xml processing, as per the license they give me for their copyrighted code.

Now the JCP receives many suggestions as to how the language should change. The first thing that happens after someone creates a language is that some user wants to change it. Change requests are generally of two types: 1) importation of a favored bit of semantics or syntax from another language, or 2) Some library or syntax which aids in solving specialized problems. Because a language is usually closely tied to a program that compiles or interprets it, and let's call that the runtime, a change to the language often implies a change to the runtime. This could explain why the JCP seems lubricated with molasses. In fairness, java is widely adopted and an important strategic language to Oracle, so a conservative approach may be smart because an unforeseen consequence due to a change could impact millions of people.

Relating my days with the j lang, the first standard collector object I was taught to use was a Vector and one inspected and transformed the elements of the Vector through an Enumerator object. Sun realized that these were bad names and that Vector objects had poor performance because methods were synchronized, meaning only one object could have access at a time. Sun created a List interface with a few different concrete implementations, such as ArrayList. They created an Iterator interface because Enumerator was really, truly, and widely recognized as the wrong name for what it did. As Sun put in List and Iterator, it left in Vector and Enumerator. Eliminating them would have broken a lot of code then, and I suspect now, though it's been over ten years.

Back then, I had a lot of code that had:
Enumerator enum = vector.elements();
A version or two later, Sun again changed java and put in proper enumerators, which were a special type of class and labelled with the newly added keyword: enum. As a result, all my Enumerator enum code stopped compiling. Oh well. I was happy for the change, despite the inconvenience.

The need for real enumerators came up back in the 90s, but I believe it was C#'s rollout which led to this and most of the programmer-friendly changes to java.

I still come back to my question whenever I see people talk about how what Oracle is claiming interferes with their way to fix java. Why waste time? I use java a lot, but only after evaluating if I could get away with using the languages I like better. Other people, such as Martin Odersky and Bill Hickey, had some real problems with java, but liked the jvm, so they wrote Scala and Clojure. Guy Steele, author of the java specification books and an important person in documenting and bringing forth Common Lisp and Scheme, was at Sun and presumably now Oracle working on a language called Fortress. The first motive was because java is not good enough with the high precision arithmetic that your java.math.trajectory package might need. As they progressed, I think they decided to make Fortress more functional than java is.

Or, use java to create your own language: define the grammar, add keywords and symbols, using java, write a parser and class loader and then let javac compile statements to byte code and let the jvm execute. You have full control of your semantics and syntax and, no, no one, not even Oracle, will come after you for copying java. Distribute the jar that parses statements in your language and if it solves enough problems for enough people, you will be celebrated. And then a day later, someone will ask if you could change your language and add this or alter that.

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