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The '104 patent doesn't even cover a Java VM!
Authored by: Anonymous on Sunday, May 13 2012 @ 12:07 AM EDT
I don't know the nitty-gritty specifics of the Java VM, but I can tell you that
Oracle's definitions are pretty wonky.

What they mean by runtime and symbolic reference is not at all what we mean by
them. I think I already pointed out a place where "executable" code
wasn't, in fact, executable.

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Java VMs do NOT store symbolic references IN the instructions (long post)
Authored by: Anonymous on Sunday, May 13 2012 @ 11:52 AM EDT
The format of the Java bytecode instructions is clearly specified in th e VM Spec document, 2nd edition (authored by Tim Lindholm, a name we're all familiar with by now!)

If you are writing a Java VM, this document is your Bible--your VM must implement the semantics described in this document exactly, or it won't be 100% compatible with Sun's Java. This document is from Java version 2, but JDK 1.0 had the same structure (and very little has changed since then, and any changes have to be 100% backward compatible anyway--the format of the bytecodes described below will never be changed, for example). Anyway, if we study this document, it will be clear that the Java bytecode instructions definitely don't contain any symbolic references: they only refer to symbolic references, which are stored separately, in the constant pool.

Section 4 of this document describes the constant pool. A bytecode instruction that accesses a field, for example, would have a numeric index referring to an entry in the constant pool, and then that constant pool entry would have CONSTANT_Fieldref_info data in it (tag, class_index and name_and_type_index). The tag byte would have the value 9 (CONSTANT_Fieldref) and the class_index would be another numeric index pointing to another constant pool entry (this one would contain info about the class that contains the field we are resolving) and the name_and_type_index would contain *yet another* numeric index pointing to yet another constant pool entry (and this one would contain the name and type of the specific field being resolved). That will be less confusing in a minute.

So the first time the VM executes this bytecode instruction (or any similar bytecode instruction with the same numeric index in it, i.e. the index pointing to this CONSTANT_Fieldref_info entry in the constant pool), it triggers the process that dynamically resolves the symbols. This process is described in section 5.4.3, Resolution -- for this specific case, it would be resolving a reference to a Field, so it would do the stuff described in Field Resolution. The resolution process for constant pool entries of a certain type, is the same regardless of which instruction triggered the resolution (i.e. its the constant pool entry that is being "resolved", not the instruction. The instruction just needs the resolved result in order to do its thing.)

Part of section 5.4.3 Resolution reads:

The Java virtual machine instructions anewarray, checkcast, getfield, getstatic, instanceof, invokeinterface, invokespecial, invokestatic, invokevirtual, multianewarray, new, putfield, and putstatic make symbolic references to the runtime constant pool. Execution of any of these instructions requires resolution of its symbolic reference.

The following sections describe the process of resolving a symbolic reference in the runtime constant pool (§5.1) of a class or interface D. Details of resolution differ with the kind of symbolic reference to be resolved.

(emphasis mine)

The first paragraph from this quote seems imprecise. It says the bytecodes "make symbolic references" to the runtime constant pool. But in fact what happens is that these bytecodes contain a numeric index into the constant pool. So they only "make reference" to it in the sense that they contain this numeric index, which is certainly NOT a symbolic reference.

The second paragraph is more accurate but slightly ambiguous -- one possible interpretation is that it means that the symbolic reference being resolved is "in the runtime constant pool", and the other possible interpretation is that it means that "the process of resolving a symbolic reference" takes place "in the runtime constant pool". As it happens, these interpretations are both true. It does not matter which bytecode instruction is using the constant pool entry that ends up trigger resolution of that constant pool entry; the constant pool entries can be shared by multiple bytecode instructions, and the VM resolves the symbolic reference in a constant pool entry the same way regardless of how it got there.

Some examples of the Java bytecode format are found in the document in section 7, Compiling for the Java Virtual Machine. Section 7.4 is specifically about accessing the runtime constant pool.

The bytecodes described above as "mak[ing] symbolic references to the runtime constant pool" all have their exact format specified in this document, in Chapter 6. I'll link them all here:
anewarray - Creates a new array
checkcast - Check whether object is of given type
getfield - Fetch field from object
getstatic - Get static field from class
instanceof - Determine if object is of given type
invokeinterface - Invoke interface method
invokespecial - Invoke instance method (special handling for superclass, private, clinit, etc)
invokestatic - Invoke a static method
invokevirtual - Invoke instance method; dispatch based on class
multianewarray - Create new multidimensional array
new - Create new object
putfield - Set field in object
putstatic - Set static field in class

If you follow any of those links, you'll see a description of the exact bytes that make up the bytecode instruction. All of these instructions have two bytes labeled "indexbyte1" and "indexbyte2". Together, those two bytes make up a 16-bit numeric index into the constant pool. The constant pool entry is what contains the symbolic reference (in one of the formats such as the CONSTANT_Fieldref_info format). None of these bytecodes ever contains that symbolic information, they just refer to it using a numeric index (i.e. NOT a "symbolic reference", but just an ordinary numeric index). These bytecodes all "use a symbolic reference", but the symbolic reference is in the constant pool.

If you read the description of the individual bytecodes, they usually make this clear too. For example, here is the first paragraph of the description of putstatic:

The unsigned indexbyte1 and indexbyte2 are used to construct an index into the runtime constant pool of the current class (§3.6), where the value of the index is (indexbyte1 << 8) | indexbyte2. The runtime constant pool item at that index must be a symbolic reference to a field (§5.1), which gives the name and descriptor of the field as well as a symbolic reference to the class or interface in which the field is to be found. The referenced field is resolved (§
(emphasis mine).

Where it says "The referenced field is resolved", we can take that to mean "the field resolution process in section must be carried out before this putstatic bytecode can do what it does" (which is specified later in the description).

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each Java .class file has its own constant pool
Authored by: Anonymous on Sunday, May 13 2012 @ 12:56 PM EDT
Just so there's no confusion.. Each Java .class file contains its own constant
pool. It's separate from the bytecode instructions of the .class.

Another question is whether the constant pool should be considered part of the
"generated code" of the .class (as that term is used in the '104
patent). It is certainly "generated" by the Java compiler, but its
DATA, not code. I personally think it should be considered NOT part of the
"generated code", but reasonable-sounding arguments could probably be
made either way.

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