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I kinda hope Apple appeals the Wisconsin ruling | 283 comments | Create New Account
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I kinda hope Apple appeals the Wisconsin ruling
Authored by: Anonymous on Tuesday, November 06 2012 @ 12:01 PM EST

If they Appeal and the Appeals Court confirms the case shouldn't have even been raised in the first place - that might send a signal to the other Judge and his apparent decision to set the licensing terms.


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Vote for Sweden in the US presidential election?
Authored by: Anonymous on Tuesday, November 06 2012 @ 12:50 PM EST
Vote for Sweden?

"If you’re finding yourself unhappy about the democratic and republican
candidates in today’s U.S. presidential election and want to support an
outsider, maybe the Swedish Party is for you."

"Sweden is often cited as one of the safest and best countries to live in,
much of this due to the Swedish Model with its focus on maximum labor force
participation, gender equality, egalitarian benefits, social safety nets and
extremely low levels of corruption. With a stable economy, low unemployment
rates and the fact that Sweden hasn’t been to war for over 200 years it is easy
to see what the Swedish Model could do for America."


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entertaining and awesome
Authored by: designerfx on Tuesday, November 06 2012 @ 03:34 PM EST


what it is: a free consumer text-based terminal, among other
things. It's been around for a bit but has been updated for

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Presuming Romney wins due to voting machines stuffing the ballot box, what can happen?
Authored by: Anonymous on Tuesday, November 06 2012 @ 04:35 PM EST
What the title says, what are Obama's (legal) options if Romney wins the
election but there is credible evidence it was because of faulty voting
machines? Does it matter if the issues with the voting machines were intentional
or not? I presume that the possible responses aren't well defined but
considering the amount of power the president of the US has I also presume there
are a few paths he could take other then roll over and resign.

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Off Topic Thread Here...
Authored by: charlie Turner on Tuesday, November 06 2012 @ 05:23 PM EST
Was today's Dilbert about Microsoft? dilbert :0!! Love it!

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Steam for Linux beta launches with 26 games
Authored by: Anonymous on Tuesday, November 06 2012 @ 06:31 PM EST
Steam for Linux beta launches with 26 games


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Apple Told to Pay $368.2 Million to VirnetX in Trial
Authored by: Anonymous on Wednesday, November 07 2012 @ 01:36 AM EST ple-told- to-pay-368-2-million-to-virnetx-in-patent-trial-1-.html

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Google play store revenue may be growing comparable to IOS app store
Authored by: Anonymous on Wednesday, November 07 2012 @ 02:56 AM EST

For a long time we've been told that android users won't buy anything and the revenue from Google play apps is tiny compared to the IOS app store, despite the year base being larger. That may be changing according to several analytic firms.

Revenue estimates have varied wildly based on the analytics provider. Data from VisionMobile & App Annie has shown than Google Play revenue has grown to levels comparable to iOS, while Flurry & Distimo's data still shows iOS with a considerable lead. This really highlights how subjective app-related data can be and shows that we need to look at multiple perspectives before reaching a conclusion. However, if the revenue growth data is accurate, it does appear that the growth in in-app purchases has reduced the revenue gap between iOS and Google Play.
Tech thoughts

Bring out the thermonuclear legal (foot)cannons Apple, as your remaining success areas are under attack, and we know you don't like competition

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Clarification re: Open Standard in Spanish law - no royalties
Authored by: Anonymous on Wednesday, November 07 2012 @ 05:46 AM EST
The body of the tweet says "Open Standard, according to Spanish law (page 17) Public and freely available, not subject to
royalties of any kind".

Just in case anyone is reading this as suggesting that standards such as LTE
would be mandated to be free of royalty in Spain, the effect is probably the
opposite: LTE would simply not be treated as an open standard. The context is a
law mandating the use of open standards in government where possible
("Derechos de los ciudadanos a relacionarse con las Administraciones
Publicas por medios electronicos" - Rights of citizens in interacting with
public administration with electronic media). But the requirement always appears
in contexts like: "A elegir las aplicaciones o sistemas para relacionarse
con las Administraciones Publicas siempre y cuando utilicen estandares abiertos
o, en su caso, aquellos otros que sean de uso generalizado por los
ciudadanos.", or as google translates it, mandated organisations should
"...choose the applications or systems to interact with public
administrations provided using open standards or, where appropriate, those that
are in widespread use by citizens.", so LTE would just fall in the second

The definition is also slightly more complex than given in the tweet:
"Estandar abierto: Aquel que reuna las siguientes condiciones:
— sea publico y su utilizacion sea disponible de manera gratuita o a un coste
que no suponga una dificul- tad de acceso,
— su uso y aplicacion no este condicionado al pago de un derecho de propiedad
intelectual o industrial."
or (google, slightly grammaticised):
"Open Standard: one that fulfils the following conditions:
- It is public and available for use either free or at a cost that does not pose
a difficulty for access,
- Its use and application is not conditional on payment under an intellectual or
industrial property right."
Thus the use of the standard can be subject to a limited charge (for example, I
imagine, an access charge for a wifi connection), the charge just can't be for

ps IANAL, and particularly relevant, IANASpanishL.

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Good result.
Authored by: Anonymous on Wednesday, November 07 2012 @ 08:25 AM EST
Well done USA.

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  • Good result? - Authored by: Anonymous on Wednesday, November 07 2012 @ 09:30 AM EST
Apple loses again
Authored by: Anonymous on Wednesday, November 07 2012 @ 08:39 AM EST
Same old same old. They do not want to pay royalties. Link

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